The Florida House of Representatives Education Committee recently cleared a bill that would allow those with licenses to carry firearms inside places of worship.
According to, state law currently does not prohibit someone with a concealed carry license from carrying in places of worship, but problems arise when that worshipping body share property with or meets in a school or educational building where carrying is prohibited. This bill, HB 1437, would address that conflict.
Rep. Nick DiCeglie (R-Largo) is in favor of eliminating gun-free zones. His website says, "In an era when domestic terrorists have attacked churches and synagogues in recent years, Americans deserve to exercise their God-given right to defend themselves, their family and their Congregation."
This bill would allow the owner of the property to ban weapons at their discretion. The bill reads “A property owner who rents, leases, or otherwise allows a church, synagogue, or other religious institution to use his or her property may, as a condition of use, prohibit the church, synagogue, or other religious institution from authorizing a person licensed under this section to carry a firearm on the property.”